Contents No.4, vol.64, 2022
May the spin of a chemical element
affect the behavior?
Ján Lakota, Michal Greguš
Neuroprotective effects of anthocyanins on learning
and cognitive abilities
Olga Pechanova
Jaouad Rouane, Taher Moussa Ahmadou, Ahmed Omar Touhami Ahami
Cognitive dysfunction in basal ganglia and thalamic stroke
patients: A case study approach
Pritha Mukhopadhyay, Nayanika Saha, Gautam Das, Ananya Mondal,
Ananya Sengupta, Mouma Nag, Kaustav Manna, Saswati Nath, Piya Saha
Chairwork in cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy:
Options in practice
Marie Ociskova, Jan Prasko, Julija Gecaitė-Stonciene, Marija Abeltina,
Michal Kotian, Milos Slepecky, Frantisek Hodny, Jakub Vanek, Ilona Krone,
Marta Zatkova, Tomas Sollar, Julius Burkauskas, Alicja Juskiene